That there are things about yourself that are like a mystery, with essential clues just out of reach?
Imagine seeing and experiencing yourself in a completely new light.
Make your life better. Call us 404 909 7819
Feel and do things you’ve never tried before and discover new sensations and abilities through gentle, safe movements.
Find connections within yourself that lead to a greater appreciation of who you are.
Step into new awareness and begin to leave behind pain, poor posture, and limiting beliefs.
Experience ease and comfort in your body and mind, allowing you to feel more at home in your body.
This transformative program is for you if you are:
Facing New Challenges: You feel like you’re standing at a crossroads, facing new challenges that don’t respond to old solutions. These challenges demand growth beyond the way you currently think about and see yourself.
Seeking Meaningful Change: You feel stuck. You want meaningful change, but you don’t know how to do what you want to do or stop doing what you don’t want to do.
Sensing Untapped Potential: You know there’s “something more” and you sense there’s a deeper well of potential within you that has yet to be tapped.
Questioning Beliefs: You’re starting to question your beliefs. You feel that you’re being held back by ideas that used to serve you but now limit your growth.
Needing a Fresh Perspective: You know that what got you here won’t get you where you want to go, and you need a fresh lens to see what’s possible for you.
If any of the above resonates with you, then this program is your invitation to embark on an inner adventure unlike anything taught in school or learned in the outside world.
The classes are easy, fun and playful. And you will learn something new & useful about yourself every time.
“If you know what you are doing, you can do what you want.” — Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais
Our bodies are masterpieces of intricate design, yet too often, we inhabit them as strangers, unaware of their vast potential.
During each of the 10 ninety-minute sessions of “Getting To Know Yourself 101”, you’ll unlock some of the freedom to move with grace, strength, and intention that you may have forgotten were possible.
You will begin to unearth a deep, intimate understanding of your body’s architecture, rhythms, and inherent intelligence by learning how to:
The key is discovering the difference between what’s familiar and what’s truly agreeable to your body. You’ll learn to make real comfort your first choice, rather than what you look for when you feel like something’s not right.
Our senses open the gateway to our experience of inner and outer landscape. But in a world where the average person takes in 74 Gigabytes (GB) of information every day (that’s like watching 16 movies!), we often shut them down out of self-preservation. You’ll learn to sharpen your senses to enhance your appreciation of yourself and the world you inhabit.
Sounds unbelievable? Not when you know that the true core of your strength and stability is not about developing muscles that never stop working…
Your spine is so much more than a stack of bones! It’s the foundational structure of your overall well-being. A healthy spine promotes vitality, grace, and ease in daily life.
Your hip joints are much more than hinges–they play a pivotal role in everything you do. But when they are obscured by layers of muscular tension and habitual patterns, it’s sometimes hard even to know exactly where they are, let alone the potential they have for increasing your enjoyment of your body and your life.
I’m willing to bet that as a young child, your posture was perfect, reflecting the energy and confidence you felt as you discovered what your body could do in relation to gravity. You’ll rediscover the ability to carry yourself in the world with ease and grace.
It’s easy to find lots of advice about how to breathe. But what if your body already knows how to do it, and just needs permission to do it the way that’s right for you at any given moment?
When you use your shoulders inefficiently, they do ”double and triple duty,” paving the way for a cascade of complications, from injury and misalignment to restricted mobility and depleted vitality. Using your shoulders as nature intended prevents injury, improves alignment, increases mobility and range of motion, reduces tension, and makes breathing easier.
True power isn’t about force or strain–it’s about tapping into the innate design of your body and aligning its power centers to produce effortless, graceful movement that is easy on your muscles and joints. Effortless power is your birthright, and it reflects your natural rhythm by creating an embodied expression of who you are.
Difficulty is inevitable. Draining yourself to deal with it is optional. Learning to do difficult things more easily preserves energy, enhances clarity and fosters resilience. It minimizes your stress and helps the people around you deal with their own inner struggles. Making the difficult easy enhances not only your well-being, and vitality, but also your potential for growth.
Meet with me for 90 minutes (1:30-3:00 PM) for 10 Sundays from August 18 to November 3 (with a break on Oct 6 & 13).
You can attend in-person at Vista Yoga in Decatur or remotely on ZOOM. If you are new to the Feldenkrais Method and live in the Atlanta area, I strongly recommend signing up for attending in-person.
Price: $500 for the 10 classes.
Classes will be recorded and an audio recording provided in case you miss one. Additional learning materials will also be provided.
Registration for “Getting to Know Yourself – 101″ opens on Aug 4th.
Only 7 Spots are remaining so make sure to secure your place!
Hi, I’m Ravi Prabhakar. For the last 7 years, I’ve worked with individuals from all walks of life—those recovering from injuries or dealing with neurological challenges, people on the verge of getting knee or shoulder replacements, aspiring professional actors, amateur ballroom dancers, and those with bad backs or stiff necks.
I help people understand and know themselves in a way they have never experienced before. Together, we explore ways to overcome movement and other difficulties, making simple yet significant changes in their lives that enable them to do more of what they want.
No matter the physical difficulty that spurs them to contact me, all my clients share a common desire: to do more of what they love and less of what they don’t.
It’s not that they weren’t trying. But somehow, what used to work for them no longer did. Exercises to keep the core strong, pep talks to get up and go to work in the morning—they no longer had the same effect.
Something had changed, but what?
I know the answer because I have been in the same place. A place where I was so disconnected from myself that I could no longer accurately sense myself or understand what was important to me.
At this crucial juncture, I discovered the Feldenkrais Method®.
My four-year training allowed me to know myself in a completely new way, leading to continuous improvement both mentally and physically.
Now, I know you don’t want to spend 4 years or invest the money it would take to replicate my journey!
That’s why I’ve distilled some of the most important lessons I’ve learned into an easy approachable series of 10 classes.
Each 90-minute session helps you to “Get to Know Yourself” in a whole new way.
You’ll find that when your perspective on yourself shifts, you gain access to new options and pathways that were previously unavailable. As you peel back layers of habit and conditioning, and uncover your boundless potential, you’ll start to move and live more the way you want, making choices that feel more like “you.”
I hope you’ll join me for this transformational journey of self-discovery that leads to becoming the most authentic and highest version of yourself!
I look forward to seeing you in class!
Questions? Email me at
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