The Natural Way to a Good Night's Sleep
Two Types of Movements
How Does It Work?
And as it turns out, these physiological and psychological responses to movement are the very same ones that occur at the onset of natural sleep. In other words, tiny, barely perceptible movements create all the physical and mental conditions necessary for natural, restful sleep. And the result is the exactly same: you feel deliciously drowsy, and little by little you drift into a blissful, restorative slumber.
Origins of the System
The Sounder Sleep System is based on a lifetime of experience and observation by the system’s founder, Michael Krugman. It incorporates elements of traditional and modern self-healing methods including yoga, qigong, meditation techniques, and the pioneering discoveries of Drs. Moshe Feldenkrais, Edmund Jacobsen, and J. H. Schulz.
The physiological mechanisms have been confirmed by the research of recent studies at Harvard Medical School, the University of Graz, Austria, and other centers. The system has been tested and proven effective by thousands of Sounder Sleep students worldwide.
What People Say...
“ I use these techniques with all my patients because they are so simple and effective.”
Jeanne Melvin, Owner, Solutions for Wellness, Behavioral Sleep Medicine Consultant, UCLA Sleep Medicine Center, Los Angeles
“ I have to thank you because my sleep has become a lot better. I sleep several hours in a row, I read less at night and this work goes on inside of me. The experience is more than positive. Thanks!”
Sounder Sleep Workshop participant
“The Sounder Sleep System (is taught)so clearly with practical skills or methods for helping us to be the sounder sleepers. The workshop materials are easy to use and well organized. We can do it at (our) own pace, at any time and anywhere to calm down our nervous system. I would highly recommend this workshop to everyone!”
Sounder Sleep Workshop participant