Small Changes, Big Results!
We started this journey with a simple yet important question: Why are shoulder issues so common?
After my own shoulder injury in 2009—and a deep dive into understanding how shoulders work—I shared three keys to bringing them back to health:
- Shoulders are deeply connected to the chest and spine.
- Treating the injury site is only half the story.
- Modifying movement habits is the missing link to lasting relief.
The best part?
These changes don’t require a complete lifestyle overhaul. Small adjustments can lead to big improvements.
Try This 2-Minute Exercise
Here’s a quick exercise you can try right now:
Step 1:
Stand with your arms by your sides. Slowly raise your right arm along your side toward the ceiling. Notice how far you can go without strain. Mark where your fingers point and lower your arm down slowly.
Step 2:
Shift your weight to your right foot. Tilt your head and shoulders slightly to the left, creating a “)” shape with your spine. Do this slowly 3–4 times, noticing how your right-side ribs expand as your left ribs compress.
Step 3:
Combine the two movements: Raise your right arm while shifting your weight to the right and tilting your head and shoulders to the left.
Does your arm go higher? Does the movement feel easier?
Go back to raising your arm again without shifting your weight as you did in Step 1. Is it different than the first time?
Amazing, right?
Applying These Lessons
Over the past seven years, I’ve worked with many people struggling with shoulder and neck issues.
Time and again, they’re amazed at how small, mindful changes lead to profound, lasting improvements—not just in their shoulders, but in rediscovering activities they once enjoyed with greater ease and confidence.
Imagine what you could do if your shoulders weren’t holding you back.
What’s been on your ‘I wish I could’ list?
Unlock What’s Possible For You
Starting January12th, I’ll be sharing these lessons in Getting to Know Your Shoulders, an 8-week group series designed to help you move more freely, ease pain, and feel better in your body.
There are just 3 spots left, and I’d love for you to join us!
Claim Your Spot Now!
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